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Address: Gaskill Street, immediately next to Memorial Park

Canowindra NSW 2804, Australia

Opening Hours:  

Canowindra Historical Society Logo [web]The museum buildings are on part of the original 317 acres granted to Pierce Collits as compensation for loss of trade after the building of Victoria Pass bypassed his Collits Inn at the foot of Mount York.

The first stage of the museum was formerly a one-teacher school at Murga built in 1915 and moved in 1970 with the aid of a Captain Cook Bicentenary Grant.  Buildings were gradually extended on land acquired from the Railways.

Canowindra Museum display
Canowindra Museum display

In 1988 the former station master’s house was bought and restored with a Bicentenary Grant as part of the museum complex.  This cottage, built in 1910 to a standard railway design with a high pitched roof and feature chimneys, forms an important conclusion to one end of the heritage listed main street.

The museum depicts the development of Canowindra from its beginnings as a 1840s frontier settlement through its growth as a centre for a rich agricultural district.

There are vehicles of the horse drawn era and vintage farm implements and machinery that reflect the importance of lucerne, wheat and wool.

Machinery display
Machinery display

An authentic slab hut, woolshed and tiny weatherboard shop have been relocated and house thematic displays.

The main building displays household items, a dental surgery, textiles and wedding gowns of local brides from 1886 onwards.

Most areas of the Canowindra Historical Museum are wheelchair accessible.  The museum is adjacent to the Visitor Information Centre which has disabled toilet facilities.

To view items in the collections click here


December 2023 Newsletter

Spring (September 2023)

July 2023 Newsletter –

 June 2021 –

January – Newsletter 2017

July- Newsletter- 2016


Canowindra Newsletter-Mar-Apr-2012

Canowindra Newsletter-Feb-2011



Publications available include:

Canowindra Pioneer Register $30

The Lachlan Depot & Beyond $15

Canowindra & the Bushrangers $15

Canowindra & District Churches $15

Canowindra in Sketches $10

Canowindra celebrates its 100 years $15

The Shop Window of Canowindra $5

Nyrang Creek Revisited $20

History and Character of Moorbel $20

Jack Hore Memorial Cup $5

History of Toogong $10

History of Mogong $10

Pre-pioneers wall $5

Grant Family Re-union $5

Quiet Country Boy $5

Canowindra Cemetery Register $30

Resources Information:

Canowindra Historical Museum hold extensive files relating to Canowindra and district families, places and buildings as well as a large range of photos, maps, cemetery records and reference books.

Family History Searches can be conducted by our archivists at $25 per day. Please send requests to the Society by email or to the above address. 

Family history and other subjects will be researched on receipt of a written application with a deposit of $10 to PO Box 76 Canowindra NSW.


Towns & Villages,Villages



IMAGinE Awards


Museum Open Weekend, 2 – 3 April 2016; museums of Orange Blayney and Cabonne areas will be opening their doors

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